Success Story


Analog Devices, Inc. is a world leader in the design, manufacture and marketing of high-performance analog, mixed-signal and digital signal processing (DSP) integrated circuits (ICs) used in signal processing applications.

ADI's products are sold to a wide diversity of customers in the communications, computer, consumer and industrial markets. During FY2001, approximately 40% of ADI 's revenues were derived from the industrial market, 38% from the communications market and the remaining 22% from the computer and consumer markets.

ADI recently underwent conversion of their OpenVMS batch scheduling operations from Polycenter SCHEDULE to ISE’s EnterpriseSCHEDULE under the supervision of Dave Sillas. He says the conversions went fine and that any questions he had were quickly answered by the ISE support team. He is in the process of converting a total of about 800 jobs and says he will be finished soon.

His favorite feature of the software is the ability to see a graphical display of the status of his job runs.

Dave Sillas
Analog Devices

Dave underwent detailed product training with ISE in 2002 which he claims helped him gain knowledge of the concepts and practical usage of EnterpriseSCHEDULE. During these sessions, he was educated in an early release of the Windows client and shown how it makes the control, administration and monitoring of jobs easier. He was particularly impressed with the concepts of initiates and prerequisites which provide a more versatile method of facilitating dependencies between jobs than his previous job scheduler.

With Dave's expertise, ADI now controls many of their operations using EnterpriseSCHEDULEEnterpriseSCHEDULE jobs are used to track the manufacturing process of silicon wafers used in ADI advanced circuits. Dave also uses EnterpriseSCHEDULE to schedule reports on the manufacturing operations and to perform backups, disk cleanup procedures and other system maintenance tasks. He says his favorite feature of the software is the ability to see a graphical display of the status of his job runs when he comes in every morning so he can tell what jobs were successful and which need adjustment. When asked to describe his experiences with EnterpriseSCHEDULE and ISE, Dave reported that they have been "really good from my standpoint".