Success Story


Built on their reputation and success in the denim industry, Bluenotes has developed into Canada's leading denim retailer. With roots in denim, Bluenotes went from being their private label to the tool that their customer uses to express themselves. Now with 111 stores located throughout Canada, Bluenotes is the definitive resource for image-conscious guys and girls.

Bluenotes IT department, headed up by Don Rusak includes two AlphaServer 1200s running EnterpriseSCHEDULE. The department deals mainly with merchandising processes that track inventories, sales and other aspects of the operation. In addition, large amounts of data are compiled into flat files to monitor and track in-house and industry trends. EnterpriseSCHEDULE also handles processing of backups and system maintenance.

Asked if he would change anything about EnterpriseSCHEDULE, “it has been so stable that they figure why mess with it?

Don Rusak

Don said that he generally runs about a hundred jobs per night across a single stream connected by initiates. Operators can catch any unforeseen failure and quickly reactivate the stream so it continues without delay. Notification through email, messenger or event viewer assures they are constantly informed of any failures. And after a move of their IT operations from Toronto to Pittsburgh, Don was pleased that EnterpriseSCHEDULE just started up and continued scheduling without any reconfiguring.

When asked what his opinion of EnterpriseSCHEDULE was, he said that his favorite feature was its reliability and that it was basically a solid system. He was pleased that it saved a lot of time in manual processing and put a high comfort level in people in the company. Finally, when asked if he would change anything about EnterpriseSCHEDULE he said "it has been so stable that they figure why mess with it?"