Success Story
BT Wholesale
BT Wholesale provides network services to over 500 companies in the UK which in turn are providing telecoms, network and internet services to their clients, plus internal services to other BT companies including BT OpenWorld and BT Ignite.
As part of their operation, BT Wholesale have to schedule various packages across ES45 and DS10 Alpha servers running OpenVMS. They had previously been using POLYCENTER Scheduler to run the repetitive housekeeping functions such as database reports, nightly backups and monthly statistics runs. Due to a variety of technical and commercial issues, an alternative scheduling solution had to be obtained.
"a key feature for our decision was the ability to automatically convert the existing VMS schedules into the new package and thus provide a basic system very quickly”.
Jim Godden
DCPN Platform Manager
BT Wholesale
Jim Godden, DCPN Platform Manager at BT Wholesale’s head office in Milton Keynes explained, “It was necessary for us to move our existing business applications from VAX servers onto new Compaq Alpha servers because the cost of maintenance of the old VAXs was becoming prohibitive. We then discovered that our previous scheduling product was not supported on these servers so a suitable alternative had to be identified that was fully supported. A range of options were considered that included a fixed schedule using VMS before we decided to use the XS-EnterpriseSCHEDULE from XuiS which fully met our requirements. In fact, a key feature for our decision was the ability to automatically convert the existing VMS schedules into the new package and thus provide a basic system very quickly”.
XS-EnterpriseSCHEDULE is XuiS’s flagship product. It is engineered to run on a variety of platforms including NT, UNIX, Linux and OpenVMS. Its reliability, ease of use and adaptability have enamoured it to its numerous world-wide users which now include BT Wholesale.