Success Story
New Jersey Department of EducationThe New Jersey State Department of Education provides leadership for a superior education by utilizing multiple and diverse paths to success for all children in New Jersey. The department is in charge of the education of approximately 1.3 million students who are enrolled in 2363 New Jersey public schools in 616 districts.
In a recent conversation with Ray Petronko, Manager of Alpha Systems for the Department of Education, we discussed how he uses ISE's EnterpriseSCHEDULE to help his operations run smoothly. Ray has EnterpriseSCHEDULE jobs running on both his production and development machines. He embarked on converting his set of jobs from another scheduler four years ago because he was no longer receiving support or updates from his previous software vendor. He turned to ISE because of their willingness to support him through his conversion process and beyond.
He says that the scheduler is a beneficial tool in his data center and it “does the job”.
Ray Petronko
The New Jersey State Department of Education
The main duties of EnterpriseSCHEDULE are to run backups and system housekeeping on a daily and weekly basis. This includes the purging of older files, the clean up of log files and defragmenting of hard disks across the network. Additionally the scheduler processes data that is used by programmers for statistical analysis. The data is gathered and statistics are generated of comparisons between applications throughout the system.
Ray said that he is glad he made the change over to EnterpriseSCHEDULE and that the scheduler is a beneficial tool in his data center. He says that the scheduler "does the job" and he has rarely needed to call ISE for support or assistance. He said once the jobs were set up and scheduled, he doesn't need to think about them anymore.