Success Story


IKEA International is one of the world's top furniture retailers with operations in 30 countries and 160 giant stores worldwide. The IKEA business idea is to offer a wide range of home furnishings with good design and function at prices so low that as many people as possible will be able to afford them - and still have money left!  Most popular for its Scandinavian-style home furnishings and other housewares, this Swedish company designs and manufactures its own furniture.  Since 1994, ISE's EnterpriseSCHEDULE and EnterpriseBACKUP has been a key factor in the central data processing operations at IKEA North America.

IKEA has many stores throughout United States, the main data processing hub is located in Pennsylvania. They are responsible for central accounting, human resources, development and production computing. Data processing at IKEA North America is decentralized across three main centers and a PC network of greater than 10,000 machines and more than 1,000 servers. In addition, they are responsible for nationwide assistance in replacing and upgrading each store's hardware and software.

“On a scale of 1 to 10, I rate ISE software an 11” 
Alicia Douglas

With EnterpriseBACKUP, IKEA performs approximately 30 backups (full and incremental) a day to a combination of over 1,000 TK85, TK86, DLT and 4mm cartridges. The central system is composed of 17 OpenVMS machines using approximately 350 disk drives. The backup system protects approximately two terabytes of online storage using about eight terabytes of offline cartridges.  With the extensive media cataloguing features in EnterpriseBACKUP, data that has been exported (i.e. copied to a cartridge and deleted from online storage) can be tracked and located quickly and easily.

EnterpriseSCHEDULE keeps all the backup jobs running at exactly the right time.  If a problem occurs, designated users are notified and problems can be solved immediately.

After talking with Alicia Douglas at IKEA's Philadelphia location, she stated  that ISE's software packages were easy to use and simple to understand. Her staff quickly learned how to submit jobs using EnterpriseSCHEDULE. The graphical user interface made the process simple and easy. The ISE products have been and continue to be rock solid.  Calls to ISE for support and assistance have always been "very timely, very helpful, very informative and very pleasant". On a scale of 1 to 10, she rates ISE software an 11.